Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg

In cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden Württemberg e. V., the following publications will appear in the ortus musikverlag from 2019:

  • Denkmäler der Musik in Baden-Württemberg
  • Quellen zur Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg – Kommentierte Faksimile-Ausgaben
  • Musik in Baden-Württemberg | Noten

The Denkmäler der Musik in Baden-Württemberg were founded in 1993 by Manfred Hermann Schmid and are up to and including Volume 25 a supplement to the comprehensive edition project Das Erbe deutscher Musik, existing since 1935. In the regional orientation and source-oriented edition practice, they are also committed to the Denkmälern der Tonkunst in Österreich, founded 1984. The critical editions are intended to document what has been significant for the region and its history. Up to and including Volume 25, these texts have been published by Strube Verlag München; from Volume 26 on, this will be continued with new edition guidelines (in German) by ortus musikverlag.

The sheet music series Musik in Baden-Württemberg | Noten, published by the Gesellschaft für Musikgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg (GMG) e. V., aims to publish works by composers from the country’s rich musical history in scholarly editions for practical use. In addition to the music text, each issue contains a concise preface that provides information on the composer, original source and edition guidelines. The music text is usually followed by a listing of readings.

Musik in Baden-Württemberg / Noten / Band 4 om345
Ludwig Schunke (1810-1834)
Leichte kleine Variationen über »Ah vous dirai-je maman« für Klavier und Violine
Edited by Joachim Draheim
Denkmäler der Musik in Baden Württemberg Vol. 26
Martin Gerbert
Geistliche Werke
Missa in Coena Domini // 12 Offertorien
for Eight-part choir, organ // Four-part choir, soli, 2 tr, 2 cor, 2 vl, va, timp, vc (org, vlc)
Edited by Christian Berger und Florian Vogt
Musik in Baden-Württemberg / Noten / Band 3 om318
Otto Dessoff (1835-1892)
Quartett für zwei Violinen, Viola und Violoncello E-Dur (op. 11)
for vl. 1, 2, vla., vlc.
Edited by Joachim Draheim
Jürgen Uhde (1913-1991)
Geistlicher Spruch
Motette für sechs Stimmen
Edited by Bodo Bischoff
Clara Schumann (1819-1896)
Originale und Bearbeitungen
Edited by Joachim Draheim
August Halm (1869-1929)
Ein Lehrgang des Klavierspiels nach neuen Grundsätzen, zugleich erste Einführung in die Musik (1918/19)
Edited by Thomas Kabisch, Linde Großmann und Martin Widmaier